Friday, May 22, 2009

Fuck Kobe Bryant

The Nuggets are killing it!! The Birdmans awesome. Check out the play at about 26 seconds. One of the best plays I've seen in awhile. Suck it Kobe, and if you don't like basketball well then fuck you too..

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Likewise Bros. in good form...

White Rasta's Unite! Bumba Clot!

Don't think I'll ever understand the white rasta phenomenon.
But you can witness them in their natural habitat every Wed. at the Vault.

Shit Wigs Abound...

I and I be puffin' the chalice,
but during the day I and I is a stock broker.
Buck Buck!

Wheel up DJ! Rewind!

Dreads tucked into top hat, check, dreaded beard, check,
red yellow and green stripes, check, lion patch, check, Haile
Selassie patch, check.
We get it bro!
By the way I'm pretty sure the turntables were
just for show, they were actually playing cd's all night.